Creative ROI
02.07.11 · Sonia Greteman
I read somewhere that 50 percent of Super Bowl watchers are more interested in the commercials than the game. I know that’s certainly true in our office. At Greteman Group, in fact, that number could be considerably higher.
First thing post game day, our water-cooler talk revolves less around plays and more around what commercials hit the mark.
Sell It, Baby
Today most of the buzz centered around Eminem’s history-making, two-minute homage to The Motor City. (Who knew Detroit could look so amazing?) Bridgestone’s life-repaying beaver. The pint-sized Darth Vader revving up his parents’ Passat by channeling the “force.” The Ozzy Osbourne-Justin Bieber mash up for Best Buy. Budweiser-swilling saloon patrons belting out Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer.”
Now, about that Groupon spot spoofing celebrity endorsements. If monies truly go to help people in Tibet, we’ll cut it some slack. Otherwise, most of us found it quite tasteless. You can be creative without being crass.
Talk Isn’t Cheap
At $3 million for a typical :30 spot, you’re essentially looking at $100,000 a second. Just ask GoDaddy, which went from being a virtual unknown six years ago to being a leader in domain-name registration — and having some of the most talked about spots this year. Most advertisers say they experience more web traffic and business in the days following the game — but that it’s really all about building future value.
What was your favorite spot? Refresh your memory and cast your vote here: