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An Unrelated Family of Thinkers and Doers

We’re a close-knit team of seasoned pros and fresh upstarts. There’s no kiddie table. Our recent college grads work alongside our marketing vets and we all learn something from each other. That keeps our thinking forward and our work family evolving. No relation, but we share a common strain in our DNA — we live to create.

Ashley Bowen Cook


Ashley Bowen Cook


Leading an agency demands the multitasking of an air traffic controller, the curiosity of an explorer and the personality of a diplomat. Ashley is three-in-one. Daughter of acclaimed aviation photographer Paul Bowen, Ashley was schooled in communicating a brand’s essence, achieving a vision, and making even the most arduous assignment joyful.

Sonia Greteman

Chair of Board/Creative Director

Sonia Greteman

Chair of Board/Creative Director

Whether increasing a client’s market share or connecting with new audiences, Sonia helps us achieve maximum altitude. Challenging writers and designers to dig deeper, think smarter. Three decades of helping build some of the world’s best-known brands puts Sonia in demand outside the office, too, promoting culturally rich, visually satisfying environments.

Joshua Wood


Joshua Wood


A journalism career taught Josh how to tell stories. To pull readers in. And get to the point. He also knows how to shape copy to best suit multiple platforms – social, digital, print, broadcast. Think a detail is too small for him to notice? Just try it. His past training means he understands deadlines and that flaming hot ad you needed yesterday? It’s out the door.

Jennifer Herring

VP/Project Manager

Jennifer Herring

VP/Project Manager

Breakthrough strategy and creative only happen when supported by smart systems and processes. Jennifer thrives on both. She draws upon a career rich in experience, from owning her own business to working for a leading national retailer. Her leadership and background in digital, advertising, design, social media, printing, logistics, business development and management make good things happen. On time, on budget and on brand.

Stephanie Stover

Brand Manager

Stephanie Stover

Brand Manager

This marketing veteran has done it all. Direct marketing. Media representative. Digital marketing. Senior brand manager. Stephanie delivers attentive client service dedicated to building your brand. Here’s the thing: She’s not just really good at driving success – she truly loves this marketing and advertising thing. And you know she’ll keep it real.

Kendall Schellhorn

Brand Manager

Kendall Schellhorn

Brand Manager

Kendall shares her career journey in the marketing industry.

Kendall brings proven, high-level expertise in turnkey campaigns and digital and print media planning and buying. Working seamlessly with budgets up to $14 million in platforms, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Forbes, she looks forward to diving deep into the aerospace sector. She and her husband, a former F-18 Navy pilot and now part of Textron Systems Global Military, are happy to call the Air Capital home.

Jill Plumb

Brand Manager

Jill Plumb

Brand Manager

Owning an aircraft with her pilot husband, Jill knows her way around aviation. As head of marketing for a regional fractional aircraft provider and an international aircraft broker, she also knows what it’s like to be on the client side of an agency relationship. She sees the big picture in terms of strategy development and measuring performance. Her attention to detail, ability to prioritize and see projects through each step of the way shines through with clients.

Cory Capps

Digital Strategist

Cory Capps

Digital Strategist

The rate of digital marketing demands a high-velocity strategy. Cory brings more than a decade of relevant experience to ensure the right audience finds you at just the right time. This savvy communicator’s grasp of digital encompasses earned, owned, shared and paid media. His analytics-driven approach guides efforts from website development to email drip campaigns, coordinating and optimizing efforts.

Rebecca Groom


Rebecca Groom


As a private pilot, marketer and writer, Rebecca combines unique insight and creative thinking to communicate and engage with target audiences through virtually any platform. She carries the general aviation gene from her father, Randy Groom, a 12,000-hour pilot and 40-year industry veteran. Rebecca brings experience from all sides – client, agency, media – including a five-year tenure as the Editor-in-Chief of Twin & Turbine, a monthly aviation publication dedicated to the pilots of owner-flown aircraft.

Ashley Yearout

Media Strategist

Ashley Yearout

Media Strategist

You have to be quick to keep up with today’s turbine-powered pace of media innovation. Ashley brings more than a decade of relevant media planning and buying experience and a proven passion for delivering maximum returns. Clients pronounce her strategic support and ability to keep things organized and moving forward as “invaluable” and “unparalleled.” We agree.

Chaney Kimball

Senior Digital Art Director

Chaney Kimball

Senior Digital Art Director

How could someone so laid back be such a monster of web design? Within this surfer dude’s lanky frame beats the heart of a raging interactive demon. Chaney knows what’s hot – or heating up. He fully unleashes his unique and dynamic approach to web design. He knows interactive solutions – as cool as they can be – are simply a means to an end.

Marc Bosworth

Art Director

Marc Bosworth

Art Director

People often say that our work embodies something best described as soul. Marc wouldn’t have it any other way. Whether developing trade show graphics, a new ad campaign or brand concepts, Marc makes sure all details exquisitely contribute and beautifully connect. As an artist, his work has been featured in exhibitions from Santa Fe to Denmark.

Tasha Wentling

Art Director

Tasha Wentling

Art Director

This ever-inquisitive designer isn’t afraid to ask questions that lead to a better solution. The one Tasha voices most: “Why?” Ah, that simple, but profound, request. It’s the driver that leads to design with purpose. To websites that guide visitors. To videos that ignite dreams. To direct mail pieces that defy the wastebasket. Tasha has racked up awards for design and photography. But clients most appreciate how she helps them win.

Donna Grow

Brand Production Manager

Donna Grow

Brand Production Manager

Just try to slip one past Donna. Whether it’s a brand standard, a bit of faulty logic, or a simple typo, it won’t pass her vigilant eye. Donna’s passionate about getting it right – from the big picture down to the smallest detail. Her affinity for advertising and aviation go back to the beginning: her first job was in the graphics department at Boeing Wichita.

Brian Whepley


Brian Whepley


Brian Whepley - Writer-Editor Brian Whepley - Writer-Editor

Brian learned early on he liked polishing words and squeezing them into tight spaces as headlines. Later he took to writing, using his journalism skills to gather details, tell stories and be quick about it. He likes getting up to speed on new topics, from aviation to medicine to education. Just don’t ask him about the history of the Kansas Turnpike. That’s more than you want to know.