It takes courage to ditch the old and begin again. But that’s just what the Kansas Association of Ethanol Processors did with its brand. The board of directors realized it needed a better outreach platform for its various initiatives – which get technical quick, face entrenched opposition from Big Oil and may someday include biofuels in addition to ethanol.

Simplifying Complexity

We began by renaming the group. Renew Kansas captures biofuels’ earth-friendly essence as well as the revitalizing effect their production can have. The new logo evokes growth, agriculture and the environment – reinforced by the tagline, Biofuels for the Future. The full brand pulls it all together to promote sustainability and benefits in automotive performance, cost, the environment and the economy.

A responsive and SEO-laden website reinforces why ethanol is – Good for You. Good for Kansas. Quick facts speak to consumers’ most-asked questions. Why ethanol? gets explored and answered. The site provides enough authoritative information to satisfy, but doesn’t try to serve as a clearinghouse for all things ethanol. It provides links to solid, credible sources for more detailed study. And an ethanol retailer near you.

website before and after

Tools to Go the Distance

Renew Kansas now has what it needs to take on specific projects, such as a statewide E15 campaign. These initiatives inspire a greener tomorrow. And we’re all for that.