Responsive full-width website A responsive full-width website for a dynamic user experience

Architects realize their clients’ dreams through steel and brick, concrete and stone. To convey that expertise to potential clients – anytime, anywhere – their digital outreach better be up to the task. We worked with a respected, industry leader – GLMV Architecture – to build a fully content-managed, responsive website from the ground up.

Prototyping and discovery leads to informed solutions

We started by getting a clear lay of the land. Surveying GLMV’s clients and team. Conducting a half-day workshop with key team members. Auditing competitors’ sites. To keep costs down without forgoing nice but sometimes-pricey extras, we drew upon our proprietary Smart Parts inventory. Reducing backend-programming time to stretch budgets even farther. Working collaboratively with the client on SEO and content development. PriPad blog siteoviding creative direction for photography, but relying on the client to secure so-good-you-want-to-work-with-them team member environmental shots and project wow views.

Thought leadership drives SEO and engagement

Just as GLMV’s ready to guide its clients through the intricacies of their varied projects, the new website stands at the ready to strut GLMV’s stuff to prospective clients nationwide. Varied calls to action throughout the site prompt engagement. A new blog increases understanding of how GLMV has solved challenges for others – and might help you. A culture section shows rather than tells. You see at glance that this passionate team pulls together for both clients and causes. And analytics are behind it all, ready to provide insight and intel into what users are viewing and doing, where they’re coming from, what kind of device they’re using, and more. Check out the site’s gorgeous design and smart strategy at